Welcome to Sacred Heart Community Service

Thank you for being a part of a community united to ensure that every child and adult is free from poverty.

By volunteering you’re supporting your community.

Below is all of the information you’ll need to become a volunteer or schedule a volunteer shift.

The Volunteer Office is open Monday-Thursday 8am-4:30pm and Fridays 8am-12pm.

If you are having trouble viewing the volunteer calendar, please contact the Volunteer Office at (408) 278-2171 or  volunteers@sacredheartcs.org


  • FAQ's

    General questions about becoming a volunteer, using the online account, and who can volunteer.

  • Guidelines

    Our code of conduct, guidelines, safety FYI’s, parking tips and more information for volunteering.

  • Group Volunteering

    How to gather your corporate team, school, faith group or university to work collectively at Sacred Heart.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)

    Join our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program and help families in need get their taxes done right— for free! As a volunteer, you will:
    Gain valuable tax preparation skills (No experience needed -training provided!) Make a meaningful impact by helping families access critical tax credits Join a supportive, community-driven team that makes a difference!

  • Warehouse - Daily Opportunity

    We see anywhere from 600-800 households per day coming in for groceries and clothing. As a Warehouse volunteer you might be providing customer service, accepting and sorting donations or bagging produce and other essential items. Closed-toed shoes are required for safety. Monday through Saturday, flexible shifts. Minimum age: 7th grade and 8th grade with an adult chaperone 18 and over.

  • Transit Assistance Program (TAP) Volunteer-Ongoing

    The Family Assistance Department is looking for a TAP (Transit Assistance Program) Volunteer.

    The Family Assistance Department offers eligible low-income households temporary financial assistance and/or case management to secure and maintain permanent housing, as well as resources such as affordable bus passes through the TAP program. This volunteer position will be working with the TAP manager to issue monthly affordable bus passes to clients and assist with data entry.

  • Energy Team

    Sacred Heart Community Service, a community-based nonprofit organization, is looking for an Energy Office Volunteer. The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is a non-emergency federally-funded program that assists low-income households with paying home energy bills once a year.