Get Help with your Energy


Due to limited funding and a high demand for HEAP, a Priority Plan is in effect. Income-eligible households may be denied for HEAP assistance. To avoid disconnection, we advise you to contact your utility provider to make payment arrangements. Thank you for your patience as we work to process your application. You will receive a letter from us in the mail within 8 weeks as to the status of your application. We encourage you to apply but cannot guarantee assistance.

Thank you

Sacred Heart Community Service Energy Assistance

Help with Utilities

Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is a non-emergency federally-funded program that assists low-income households with paying home energy bills once a year. The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) can offer income-eligible residents of Santa Clara County a credit to their utility bill. HEAP is available for people who purchase energy from PG&E, Silicon Valley Power or the City of Palo Alto, Submetered, and Included in Rent. Along with the utility credit, clients will also receive valuable information about energy conservation and practical tips on how to save energy and keep your utility bill at a manageable level.

Click Here to check if your Energy Utility Provider is covered by SHCS. If your Energy Service Provider is not listed contact the California Department of Community Services and Development at (866) 675-6623.

Contact Us:

  • Call us at 1-877-278-6455 for more information or to request an application. Due to the increase in demand and influx of phone calls, we are not able to return calls requesting status of applications.

  • Email us at for more information or to request an application by email