Rental Assistance
Deposit Assistance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Program Information
Sacred Heart Community Service has funding for low-income, Santa Clara County residents who need emergency financial assistance.
We assist with:
Past-due rent
Emergency security deposit
Other financial assistance tied to housing stability
One must be a resident of Santa Clara County for at least thirty days before applying. All financial assistance goes directly to the landlord, not to the member applying.
SHCS serves the following zip codes for Housing Assistance:
95008, 95110, 95111, 95112 (South of Santa Clara Street), 95113, 95116, 95117, 95118, 95120, 95123, 95124, 95125, 95126, 95128, 95136
If you do not see your zip code listed, CLICK HERE to find the agency that serves your zip code.
*Please note: Sunnyvale Community Services' new address: 1160 Kern Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
LifeMoves - Georgia Villa’s new address: 184 South 11th Street, San Jose CA 95112. New Phone Number: (408) 271-0685 x 641
The following zip codes are now served by Salvation Army in San Jose: 95050, 95051 and 95054. If you live in one of these zip codes, please call Salvation Army at 408-282-1165 for more information.
SHCS offers two main Housing Assistance sources that impacts daily capacity:
The Santa Clara County HPS, which has no zip code restrictions.
Additional funders are zip code restricted. Therefore, if you do not see your zip code listed above, you may be referred back to your home agency as listed here.
How to Apply for Help
Step 1: Create A Membership
*If you already have a Sacred Heart Membership number, please skip this step and move on to Step 2.
You will need to become an SHCS member before moving on to Step 2. When filling out the form, please complete the entire form for your entire household.
You can become a member by clicking the button below:
If you are not too comfortable using technology or the website is not accessible to meet your needs, you may move on to Step 2 and our team member will support you over the phone.
Step 2: Contact Our Department
For information on emergency housing assistance please call 408-709-2364 or email us at housinginfo@sacredheartcs.org. We check emails and phone calls on Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM -5:00 PM. If you email or leave a voicemail, we will return your call within 24-48 business hours.
We will contact you after we receive your correspondence to ask a series of questions that will determine your initial eligibility. If you are deemed eligible, you will be scheduled for a screening appointment to determine your program eligibility.
For the safety of our community, we are conducting pre-screenings over the phone but can make accommodations for in-person appointments as needed.
Applicants will not be asked about their immigration status.
Step 3: Complete A Screening Application
At the screening appointment, our staff will ask you more questions about your current situation to help determine the program that will best meet your needs.
At the end of the appointment, you will be notified of your eligibility. If you do not meet the eligibility, staff will offer other resources. If you do meet eligibility, you will receive a list of required documents.
Step 4: Submit Required Documents
All documents must be clear and easy to read with your name and the date visible. If you are not able to make copies on your own we can offer our in-person support on Monday-Thursday 9AM -1PM and Friday 9AM- 12PM.
SHCS accepts documents through:
SHCS Housing Website Portal
Dropping off the copies of your documents in the SHCS Housing Mailbox [Located in the front of the SHCS building]
Emailed to housingprescreeing@sacredheartcs.org
Applicants will have 15 business days from when they receive the list of required documents to submit the paperwork. After 15 business days, you are welcome to reapply, but you must start the application process from the beginning.
Upon receiving your documentation, we will determine your program eligibility. If you do not qualify, we will offer other resources. If you are eligible, your application will be directed to a case manager.
If you have any questions you can call at 408-709-2364 or email us at housingprescreening@sacredheartcs.org. We check emails on Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM -4:00 PM. If you email or leave a voicemail outside these hours, we will return your call within 24-48 business hours.
Step 5: Contact By Case Manager
Once the case manager receives your application, they will reach out to you to introduce themselves. They will let you know if any additional information is needed including documentation to help expedite financial assistance.
With your consent, the case manager may contact your landlord to confirm the need and ownership information.
If you have questions about the status of your application, please call your assigned case manager directly or email us from Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM -4:00 PM at housingprescreening@sacredheartcs.org
Step 6: Receive Outcome Of Application
The case manager will notify you of the outcome of your application. Depending on your need, you may qualify for one-time assistance or multi-month. If you are approved, your financial assistance will be issued to the correct third-party. If you do not meet eligibility requirements, they will offer you other resources.

Rental Assistance
Deposit Assistance