Call To Action!

You can help our community stay safe and housed by protecting Measure E funds here’s how:

On May 16th, Sacred Heart’s Survivors of the Streets committee (SOS) issued a call to action for the community and asked for the wider community to demand San Jose keep its promises to voters and use Measure E funds to build more affordable housing. And we showed up! 

With the support of our partners, we turned out over 100 people and provided over three hours of public comment. We communicated our message loud and clear! Not only did the mayor revise his plan but we received two substitute options from other council members. When we show up we win! 

Of the new proposals, we are supporting the plan sent by Council members Dev Davis, Omar Torres, and Peter Ortiz. It achieves several things:

  • Uses Measure E funds to maximize the support we provide for affordable housing

  • Finds funding in the general budget for interim housing and homeless support services

  • Maintains investments in homelessness prevention

What’s next? The San Jose City Council will have one more public hearing on the budget on Monday, June 12th at 6 p.m. and during their council meeting on June 13th at 1:30 p.m. will vote on the final plan for the next fiscal year.

SOS is asking you to show up and speak up one more time this upcoming Monday, June 12th at 6 p.m. to speak in support of the Davis, Torres, and Ortiz memo. 

Here’s how you can show up: The meeting is at City Hall (200 E. Santa Clara Street) at 6:00 PM. If you cannot attend in person, you will be able to testify by 

Zoom at

Call in: (888) 475 4499. Webinar ID is 889 5708 4529. Click *9 to raise a hand to speak. Click *6 to unmute when called.


If you are not available at that time, you can email your comments to, by 10 a.m. the day of the meeting and put “Public Comment for City Council Meeting Agenda Item 3.4” in the subject line

See below for helpful hints on how to providing public comment see below

Helpful hints for providing public comment (verbal and written):

  • Only speak during the agenda item that pertains to your comment. 

    • For June 12th wait for Item 3.1 

    • If you attempt to provide a comment before or after the item the mayor or chairperson will cut you off.

  • It is probable that we will only have one minute to speak so writing your comment beforehand and practicing it may help you stay on time.

  • Include information about who you are allied with:

    • “Hello, my name is ________ and I am supporting Survivors of the Streets at Sacred Heart.”

  • State upfront what you are speaking for:

    • “I am speaking/writing in favor of the Davis, Torres, and Ortiz plan for Measure E funds

  • State why you are supporting this. You can choose one or more of the following points:

    • Their plan keeps the promise made to voters for Measure E funds to maximize the building of affordable housing we can support and build in our city. We all know that the reason why so many people are leaving San Jose and living on the streets is because there is not enough affordable housing. 

    • This plan finds funding in the city’s budget for interim housing and homeless support services while maintaining previous Measure E fund allocations. We all realize the need to provide temporary shelter for individuals seeking housing and this plan helps to meet that need and invests in permanent and affordable housing solutions for them to go to.

    • This plan continues to invest in homeless prevention. The cost of living continues to increase faster than the wages people earn. By providing assistance to those who are struggling to pay rent we help keep families and individuals stably housed but also slow the flow of people to our streets.

  • State what common values drive your desire for more investment in affordable housing:

    • No matter what we look like, how much we earn, or where we lay our heads down to sleep, we all need a safe place to call home.

    • Years of failing to invest in affordable housing while adding thousands of high-wage jobs in San Jose have driven up rents and pushed more and more people into homelessness. And unfortunately, people who already face discrimination in housing, employment, education, or the criminal justice system are more likely to be forced into homelessness.

    • Being homeless makes it incredibly difficult to keep a steady job, go to school, or take care of a family. Having a safe home is the first, most basic foundation we all need to build thriving lives and strong communities.

    • By working together, we can take bold action that makes San Jose a place where everyone has a roof over their head and all of our families can thrive, so that all our neighborhoods can be safe, diverse, and strong.

  • End by reiterating our demands

    • We urge the city council to vote for the plan created by Council members Dev Davis, Omar Torres, and Peter Ortiz.


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